
8th arrondissement of Paris / 75

A new-generation office building, with the utmost respect for a listed monument

Hôtel Potocki


c'est agir.

"We were able to strike the right balance between preserving the building's history and adapting it to new office uses." Charles-Henri Billot, Executive Vice President, Commercial Property, Kaufman & Broad

An exceptional address in the heart of the 8th arrondissement

Located on Avenue de Friedland, the Hôtel Potocki, with a garden of 3,000 m ², is one of the architectural jewels of the capital. Listed as a historic monument for over 30 years, the hotel was built at the end of the nineteenth century for Count Felix Nicolas Potocki and his wife Countess Emmanuela Potocka, who ran one of the greatest literary salons of the Belle Époque, frequented by Maupassant. This palace is heralded by a splendid neo classical façade with a main door richly decorated with ionic columns. Inside, the splendour continues with a majestic staircase with eight shades of marble flanked by many Corinthian columns. This place out of time, with its seventeenth century tapestries and its myriad works of art, welcomed a century during the offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, the office of the President occupying the former chamber of the Countess. With CCI moving to new premises in the heart of the 10th arrondissement, a new page in the history of the Potocki Hotel will be written from the summer of 2025.


Prestige, heritage and modernity

By leaving its former headquarters, while still owning the premises, CCI launched a consultation in September 2021 to contract with the winner a 80 year emphyteutic lease. During this period, the ICC will set up its new headquarters in the 10rd district, before returning to use at the end of the 80 year period.

In partnership with investor Osae Partners, Kaufman & Broad designed a prestigious building to host a head office for internationally renowned companies. This opus will offer its users the latest standards of comfort and services. A strong environmental ambition will be sought to transform this energy intensive building into a responsible building.

Our project won the competition in October 2022.Discussions then begin with the CCI and the Paris City Hall, which is very involved in this heritage project.

The particular typology of the hotel, whose facade and many lounges are classified, was a architectural challenge in optimising the available space. Lighting surfaces on the low ground floor, creating platforms that are more conducive to collaborative work, increasing the number of eligible staff, providing services in rooms of limited size, creating functional sealing between surfaces that can accommodate the public and others exclusively reserved for staff,… in short, adapting a building designed more than a century ago to the taste of the day . Entrusted to architecture agencies H20 and Eugène, which contributed in particular to the renovation of the Matignon Hotel and the National Assembly, this rearrangement makes it possible to operate 14,000 m2 of office space, without taking anything away from the plentiful reception areas.


Strong ecological challenges in a building classified in the heart of Paris

Historical building, energy saving and low carbon footprint are not necessarily antinomic. With the help of specialist design offices, Kaufman & Broad’s architects and teams are working to improve the overall performance of the Hôtel Potocki, both during the renovation of the building and during its operation.

The project will be conducted, with the aim of reducing its carbon footprint both in construction (Carbon Impact (IC) Construction) and in the use of energy (Ic Energy). Sort waste and materials that can be reused, replace carpentry with biosourced products, use garden resources to be part of a bioclimatic approach… while limiting noise pollution and discomfort for local residents.

Making energy flows sober is an objective pursued. In addition to the connection to the dealerships supplying hot and cold (CPCU and Climespace), Kaufman & Broad complements the energy mixed by using geothermal energy (low carbon energy par excellence), in the heart of Paris!

Thermal efficiency is also a major issue in the studies carried out to reduce the building’s primary energy consumption (Cep). Technical solutions that respect the architecture of the classified facades and the breathability of the building will be implemented. Green terraces will be wisely located on the roofs classified to help fight against heat islands….

The implementation of these energy saving and carbon footprint reduction solutions will not impair the comfort of demanding users for this type of asset.


A long term project

September 2021 : ICC competition

November 2021 : Kaufman & Broad Project Delivery

October 2022 : Kaufman & Broad wins competition

2023 – 2025 : Obtaining administrative authorisations and studies

2023 – 2025 : The CCI is building its new headquarters in the rd district

2025 : Start of construction of the Hôtel Potocki

2027 : Project delivery


The renovation of the Hôtel Potocki is a true link between historic Paris and the usages of tomorrow, enabling Kaufman & Broad to become a major player in the rehabilitation market in the heart of Paris.