Key figures and indicators

Indicators that attest to our financial strength

The results for fiscal year 2022 are in line with objectives, attesting to the soundness of Kaufman & Broad's business model and its ability to prepare for future growth while preserving its profitability and cash flow. Kaufman & Broad is currently the only European developer with an Investment Grade rating, attesting to the quality of its financial structure.

Global turnover

1 281,80M€ in 2021

1 314,9M€ in 2022

2021 2022
Global backlog 3,6 M€ 3,4 M€
Housing portfolio 35 086 units 34 009 units
Current operating results 98,4 M€ 98,2 M€
Registered staff as of Dec. 31 778 784
Locations *Including Fréjus showroom 23 22
Gearing 3,7 month 4,3 month

Kaufman & Broad was awarded the Best Managed Companies label in 2022 by Deloitte France to 11 French companies. Created 30 years ago by Deloitte Canada, this label, which is present in more than 45 countries, rewards the performance and good management of companies after a demanding evaluation of their financial performance, strategy, CSR policy and capacity to innovate.


  • 2023 - Result for the first nine months of fiscal year

    2023-10-03 05:50:45 pdf - 0.75MB

  • 2023 - Results for the first nine months of fiscal year

    2023-10-02 16:31:55 pdf - 0.31MB

  • 2023 - Results 1st half 2023 and outlook

    2023-07-13 05:41:59 pdf - 0.81MB

  • 2022 - Annual results

    2023-04-11 08:22:32 pdf - 3.41MB

  • Universal Registration Document

    2023-07-05 13:49:31 pdf - 18.45MB

  • Half-Year Financial Report

    2023-08-17 09:25:11 pdf - 6.84MB
